Mendel’s Daughter
by Martin Lemelman
An Austin Chronicle Best Book of 2006
A New York Public Library Selection “Books For The Teen Age 2007”
by Martin Lemelman
An Austin Chronicle Best Book of 2006
A New York Public Library Selection “Books For The Teen Age 2007”
“On virtually every page Lemelman skillfully juxtaposes haunting pencil drawings, family photographs, and handwritten text, sans comicslike borders... His unique contribution to Holocaust literature will doubtless educe comparisons with Spiegelman's Pulitzer Prize-winning Maus , yet many may find Lemelman's more realist work more approachable, immediate, and, ultimately, unforgettable.”
—Booklist |
“Mendel’s Daughter strides bravely...into Maus’s footprints and, against all odds, succeeds. Lemelman’s first novel, is a tender, faithful retelling of his mother’s Holocaust story. The routine details of shtetl life, family politics, brief moments of kindness amid devastating hardship, move us beyond clichés, beyond Good and Evil, to convey a powerful, tragic, human history. Ultimately—miraculously—about hope, not horror.”
—UPstreet magazine (UK) |
Click on an image to find out more about Mendel's Daughter.
List from Entertainment Weekly.