( www.youwannatalkjive.com).
Her illustration work can be seen in Urban Outfitters stores worldwide and was recently on exhibit at the Philadelphia International Airport, as well as several cafes and galleries in the Philadelphia area. She is anxious to begin her new series, Bedside Sketches
(http://www.bedsidesketches.com), which will explore a year-long artistic journey into the subconscious of her peers. A graphic memoir about her neurotic (but lovable) family titled "Come Here, Man!" is also in the works.
Most recently, Shannon was the Editor-in-Chief of Local Living Magazine, where she managed the editorial team and created content covering a wide range of lifestyle topics on the East Coast. Behind the lens, she captures candid moments between couples using an eclectic blend of vintage, quirky and playful styling. When she's not clicking away on her laptop, photographing couples on their big day or drawing bunnies, Shannon can be found managing the social media for wedding industry professionals and contributing to their popular weekly columns.